Eyelash Extension Aftercare
- Do not get lashes wet for 24-48 hours.
-No mascara on the eyelash extensions. Oils from the mascara will cause your extensions to fall out quickly.
-Use oil free products around your eyes and on your face.
-Brush your eyelash extensions gently when and if they need it.
-Do not pick of pull on the eyelash extensions! This will cause your natural lashes to be pulled out with the eyelash extension.
-No eyelash curlers.
-Clean your eyelash extensions with Heathers Beauty Box lash shampoo.
-Avoid steam rooms & saunas.
-No sunbeds for atleast 24 hours.
-Schedule infills every 2-3 weeks.
-Shake lash shampoo bottle well.
-Dispense a small amount on the back of your hand.
-Wet the cleansing brush and dip into the lash shampoo on the back of your hand.
-Gently run the cleansing brush back & forth across your lash line & eye lid, brushing downwards on the extensions.
-Run the cleansing brush clear of lash shampoo & rinse your eyelash extensions of any left over shampoo.
-Pat lashes GENTLY dry.
-Brush gently and leave to dry.
-Give your lashes an extra brush once they're nearly dry. This will make them nice and fluffy.